Thursday, January 26, 2012

Warmth Through Cold

Just received word of yet another online publication. Words Dance was originally intended to be a new print poetry journal, but various logistical concerns dictated that it go on the Web instead. In any case, the lovely and charming (and very productive!) Amanda Oaks has done a splendid job presenting a new poem daily with beautiful associated images. Read my "Cold Water Morning," then browse the site for other fine poems.

You can see what else Amanda is up to at Kind Over Matter.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

A Fine Madness, Bourgeoning

My latest two pubs are now available, one for sale and another just a click away.

It's extremely gratifying to have a poem in a print journal after many have recently appeared online. Mad Rush Issue One has just been published; it contains my poem "A Picture of Flowers. The magazine has an wide variety of poems and short fictions and is very nicely designed and produced. Click the link to order a copy.

I am also please to report that the title poem of Drinking Weather has been posted on Bourgeon, an online journal covering DC arts.

As always, thanks to my many readers who provide the support and encouragement to help me keep going!

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Friday, January 13, 2012


My poem "Burden: 2 am" has been published in the January 2012 issue of Foundling Review, now online. I am especially pleased about this publication because it is a poem I have especially wanted to see published in a journal. It first appeared in my chapbook, Signs of Small Grace, and I am delighted it has now found a wider audience.

In other poetry news, my Iota reading went splendidly and I am happy to announce another one upcoming on Thursday March 15 in Takoma Park, part of the Third Thursday series there. I'll post full details when the time draws closer.

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Thursday, January 05, 2012

Upcoming Reading

As many of you already know, I will be reading from my two books and some newer work this coming Sunday, January 8, at 6:00 pm, at Iota Club & Cafe in Arlington, VA, on a bill with the very fine DC poet Anne Harding Woodworth, with open mike to follow. I hope those of you in or reasonably near the DC area will join us.

UPDATE: This is my 250th post!

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